Healthy Start 2013: You Have the Power” is designed to strengthen the community’s knowledge of health, particularly for our youth, who statistically are predicted not to live as long as their parents and grandparents, due to increased obesity, diabetes and heart-related problems. Weight, healthy food options, exercise, are critical components for this year-long focus.
Coupled with self control and taking responsibility for one’s health is the component of understanding many illnesses and diseases better, especially those that disproportionately affect the African American an emphasis on deterrents such as smoking, mis-use of alcoholic beverages, mental health and anger-control, drugs, prescription abuse and STD’s will be broached. Gun control and the President’s current focus will be covered as well, for we are over-represented in this area of gun-related deaths and “we have had enough”. For too long, we have borne that tragic statistic with news coverage but no changes. We must do better and we believe we can.
Services, clinics, hospitals, the importance of urban care centers and regular doctor’s visits will be highlighted. Utilizing these services rather than resorting to emergency-room visits will be explained.
The Affordable Care Act will dramatically impact care and calls for targeted education. Significant changes in what has too often become crisis-care, rather than personal health management are integral to changing the health-care disparities associated with the African American community and reversing the morbidity statistics currently associated with our youth.
Prenatal care, teen-age pregnancy and early parenting skills, including infant mortality, will be designed to reach the intended subjects, thereby seriously changing a city-wide initiative that has yet to reach African American mediums, particularly the Black press.
Many of the health-related associations and organizations will further explain their programs and how readers may tap into services. Volunteer opportunities and donations are all a part of bridging the health-care diaspora. Seniors, our “best generation” will not be omitted as we address many of the maladies that are associated with this beloved population. We do respect our elders.
A once-monthly special edition will capture this year-long focus, appropriately titled: “Healthy Start 2013: You Have the Power”. The edition will be filled to the brim with news, photographs, readers reactions and Success stories that will inspire. Survivors of cancer, heart attacks, stroke victims, transplants, stem cell research, news from celebrities and other pertinent health news will also share the pages.
Recipes....if you have a new recipe that reduced calories, salts, or helped to improve your health and that of your family....We want to hear from you. Email: editorial Your recipe and by-line and other information you opt to share will grace our edition. You have gripes, complaints about a health-related us, write us, fax us...or drop by the office... it might be a story...not just a blurb.
Weight loss successes will be an on-going feature. “My Success. I Have the Power”. Let us applaud did it! We know it was not easy and you had to really discipline yourself to have this success. We want to hear about it....write about it, show us the Before and After photographs; and if you continue to retain the weight loss you could be one of five honorees selected for the MCJ 37th Anniversary celebration on Sunday, August 4th when the five top weight-loss champions will be honored at the brunch.
The top five Weight-Loss Honorees receive $ 500 to used for the Anniversary Makeover. Boston Store has agreed to give coupons thereby increasing their dollar-value. In addition to their table of eight, for family and friends, they will model their success to applause.
The new makeovers will be the envy of all New Year Resolution failures yet the inspiration to begin again. With help from HeartLove Place, the Clinton Rose Center, the North Central YMCA and spas, health clubs and weight equipment retailers, we hope to begin a weight-loss revolution. One that inspires us all to take our health very seriously and recognize that we DO have the power.
Advice from some of our astute medical professionals should round off this outstanding campaign to make a difference in the community by being a part of the community. We work to keep “neighbor” in the hood. Join us!
3612 North Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr.
Milwaukee, WI 53212
phone: 414-265-5300
fax: 414-265-1536
Publisher: Patricia O. Pattillo