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HPV Rates Down More Than Expected





(June 20, 2013)--Major news media are contacting gynecologic oncologists today about the CDC study from the Journal of Infectious Diseases that found that human papillomavirus (HPV) infections in teenage girls decreased by half since the HPV vaccine was introduced in 2006, despite the low vaccination rate of 30 percent.


SGO offers the talking points below to assist you if you are contacted. Should you need additional assistance or background information, you may contact Ellen Sullivan, SGO Director of Corporate Communications and Advocacy, at 312-676-3914 or



Here is a sampling of major news stories thus far: CBS This Morning featuring Carol Brown, MD; CNN featuring Warner Huh, MD.

HPV Vaccine


  • In the United States, there are roughly 26 million girls under the age of 13.


  • If none of these girls are vaccinated, 168,400 of them will develop cervical cancer and 54,100 will die from this disease over the course of their lives. 


  • If 30% were vaccinated, 45,500 cases of cervical cancer and 14,600 deaths would be prevented. Each year we would see 4,400 cases and 1,400 deaths.


  • If vaccination increased to 80%, 98,800 cases and 31,700 deaths would be prevented.


  • The Society of Gynecologic Oncology strongly supports vaccination of both girls and boys against HPV to prevent HPV-related cancers. Use of these vaccines, coupled with recommended cervical cancer screening, would eliminate most cervical cancer. Other cancers associated with HPV including cancer of the vulva, vagina, anus, penis, and some head and neck cancers may also be prevented with use of the HPV vaccine.


  • SGO has partnered with the CDC to encourage pediatricians and family practitioners to inform parents and strongly encourage vaccination, and to provide these medical professionals the information and resources they need to make a persuasive case.


  • SGO believes states should consider mandatory HPV vaccination in schools.





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