Significant improvements can be achieved by focusing on diseases that disproportionately affect racial and ethnic minorities. Diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease are more prevalent in minority populations and are often diagnosed less. Focusing on these diseases can significantly improve the health of racial and ethnic minorities.
Reducing disparities requires expanded access to affordable, quality health care. Immediate steps should be taken to encourage greater coverage opportunities. Healthcare safety net programs should be strengthened to meet the needs of vulnerable Americans who cannot access or afford private coverage. A more diverse healthcare workforce will be more responsive to our diverse population. By having more doctors, nurses, dentists and other health professionals from different
backgrounds, the needs of patients from an increasingly diverse nation can be better addressed.
Improved cultural and linguistic competency among healthcare professionals can improve interactions with patients. All health professionals should be better trained in understanding and listening to patient needs. A healthcare professional’s awareness of cultural differences among patients can improve communications with patients. This can result in a more satisfactory healthcare visit and greater compliance with treatments.
Increased health literacy will help patients take an active role in their health care. Access to healthcare information is important to every patient. Informed patients, working with healthcare professionals, are better able to make healthcare decisions that work for them. Easy-to-understand healthcare materials are essential to better informing patients.
Emphasizing prevention and disease management will save and improve lives. Management of chronic diseases allows patients to stay in control of manageable conditions and avoid emergency situations.
Ensuring access to individualized care will help patients get the best care for them and their needs. Every patient is unique and medical decisions made by patients and their healthcare providers should take into account the needs and desires of individual patients.
Enhanced data collection and medical research will bring greater understanding of disparities and how to eliminate them. Data is necessary to fully understand the scope of healthcare disparities and develop solutions.
Enhanced data collection and medical research will bring greater understanding of disparities and how to eliminate them. Data is necessary to fully understand the scope of healthcare disparities and develop solutions.
Research and innovation are critical to the constant improvement of health outcomes.
To help eliminate disparities, greater numbers of racial and ethnic minorities should be
included in research studies